Thank you to all those people who contributed to the appeal, it is now closed.
CRS’ final tally is $19, 271, with CRS receiving the 2nd highest amount of funds raised through the appeal.

The Hands Across Canberra, Canberra Day Appeal is on again this year and CRS is delighted to be participating. It’s a great community effort targeted at raising $1,000,000 for 75 local charities involved in helping Canberrans in need.
All donations will be matched 1 for 1 by Hands across Canberra up to $5000, so your efforts will be doubled automatically. And on top of that, donations over $2 are tax deductible!
Save the date: Hands Up for CBR Giving Day is Wednesday, 9th of March 🗓
The CRS Hands Across Canberra Page is live and accepting donations now.

Between the arrival of Afghan refugees, the impact of Covid-19 on the ability of asylum seekers to support themselves through casual work and the ongoing punitive approach of the Australian Government towards asylum seekers it’s going to be a demanding year for CRS.
I want to thank those of our community who already give regularly to support the work of CRS. We couldn’t keep going without you. The Canberra Day Appeal offers an opportunity for us all to help spread the load with regard to giving. It is a great occasion to encourage family members, work colleagues and friends to contribute to and hopefully get interested in the work of CRS.
Thanks again for your support
Douglas Hynd
Canberra Refugee Support