CRS 2024 Education Awards

CRS 2024 Education Awardee

The CRS 2024 Education awards were held in Refugee Week on June 18th. The awards were presented by Mr Mick Gentleman MLA, Minister of Multicultural Affairs and Mr Mike Clayton, UNHCR’s Regional Representative in Canberra.

The particular aim of the Education Awards

The purpose of the Education Awards to be presented is to acknowledge and provide recognition of meritorious performance, and to encourage and support outstanding refugee students. Each award recipient receives a monetary grant and an award certificate to mark the occasion.

Through this program we want to welcome and acknowledge what the recipients have accomplished so far and look forward to their future contributions to their family and the community.

Our Program is named: The Geoff McPherson CRS Education Awards Program in honour of Geoff who is not only the Founding President of CRS, but the person who inspired the establishment of the program and worked hard over many years to make it the success that it has become.

About the Awards:

The scholarships have been made possible by generous donations from the Canberra community. The contributions have come from businesses, community groups, and from individuals. Some, but not all are listed on your program.

This year, as in previous years, the response to our fundraising has been wonderful, and CRS is grateful for the generous, continued and longstanding support of donors. All donations are vital to the work of CRS.

2024 Education Awardees