Mili needs your help

Thank you to everyone who donated to Mili’s campaign. This campaign is now closed. Thank you again your help is much appreciated.

Mili can no longer stay in Australia where she is receiving dialysis for end stage kidney disease. There is no public access to dialysis in Fiji so, when she returns, she will only have days to live unless she can pay for private access. Your donations will help her to pay for some months of dialysis so that she can have some time with her children, who she has not seen for the past 8 years.

The Tulele family, Sivo, Mili and their youngest daughter, then 10 years old, came to Australia in 2016 seeking a safe permanent home after Sivo experienced persecution, arbitrary imprisonment and beatings by the military forces. They left five older children behind in Fiji. For six years Sivo worked hard to support his family and paid taxes while the family went through the various processes required to seek permanency. In February 2022 he was the victim of a car accident caused by a driver under the influence and has no longer been able to work due to his injuries. During this period Mili’s health has also declined and she is now dependent on dialysis three times a week. Their claim to stay in Australia permanently has been rejected with no further hope of appeal. They have reluctantly committed to returning to Fiji.

However, the only option for accessing dialysis in Fiji is through a private clinic, at a cost of $250 per session or $750 per week, an amount that is unaffordable on local salaries. Mili’s specialist has advised that without dialysis she would only survive a matter of days. We are therefore seeking to fund a period of dialysis for Mili at $750 per week so that she can at least have some time with her family.