
Gardening Bee March 2021

Supporting the settlement of refugees in our national capital.

Currently CRS is looking for:

Fundraising Coordinator

You will have ongoing support from experienced committee members with a lot of documentation available to you on how to approach things, but this role is open to how you might want to approach things – approximately 1 hour per week.

Please contact us if you would like more information.

All of CRS’s work is done by volunteers, who are drawn from CRS members. Volunteer roles in CRS include:

CRS matches small groups of volunteers to asylum seekers and refugees registered with our organisation. These volunteers provide longer term social support. The support provided is flexible, according to the needs of the people being supported and the interests and availability of the volunteers. Examples of what our good neighbour volunteers do include:

  • social contact
  • connecting to the community and making friends 
  • accessing local services and support
  • sharing information
  • finding cheap food, clothing, furniture and household items
  • looking for work or training opportunities
  • improving English
  • getting children involved in school and other activities

For example, help moving house, assistance with job search, provision of household items, assistance with transport to an appointment, garden working bees, accessing sporting opportunities, provision of tutoring to a school student.

CRS conducts a number of fundraising activities. Extra help with fundraising is welcome.

During Refugee Week each year CRS presents scholarships to asylum seeker and refugee children and adults nominated by participating organisations. CRS has a small team of volunteers who manage this program.

At various times CRS has undertaken specific projects to improve our administrative processes, our record keeping, our communication, our media presence

The CRS committee provides oversight and governance for all CRS activities. As well as office bearers, there are general members who have an interest in supporting asylum seekers and refugees.

Support for volunteers

All volunteers are supported by the CRS committee and the CRS volunteer support coordinators. No prior experience or skills are required, just an interest in helping asylum seekers and refugees in our Canberra community. 

Working with Vulnerable People (WWVP) Cards

All volunteers who work directly with asylum seekers and refugees are required to hold a WWVP card.  We recommend that members apply for these so that when they have the opportunity to volunteer, there isn’t a delay. There is no charge for a WWVP card if it is required for volunteer work only. You can find more information and apply for a WWVP card here.

How to volunteer with CRS

  1. Become a CRS member
  2. Attend a CRS orientation session
    You can attend an orientation session before or after you join CRS.
  3. Apply for a WWVP card if you wish to volunteer in an active support role with refugees and asylum seekers.
  4. Look out for requests for volunteers that are emailed to members, or send an email to info@canberrarefugee.org.au if you have an interest in assisting in a particular role or project.

Details for your WWVP application:

Membership Secretary
CRS PO Box 3442
Weston Creek ACT 2611

Email: info@canberrarefugee.org.au