Dear CRS supporter
Your spontaneous generosity over the past few years has enabled us to do a great deal to be good neighbours in assisting asylum seekers and refugees to find a life in Canberra and be supported while their claims are assessed. In the last year the impact of Government policy has been to increase the cost to CRS of providing support. We are now confronted with a case that stretches our resources to the limit. That’s why I am writing to appeal to you for additional financial support.
Who are we helping?
CRS has been supporting a client and her daughters since their arrival in Canberra in 2014. She has been on a bridging visa which entitled them to a fortnightly living allowance and affordable rental that has been supplemented by CRS.
What are her circumstances?
Our client has not been successful in her applications for protection. Her sole fortnightly income has now ended so she is without any source of income, and is understandably distressed given her concerns about what returning to her country of origin might mean for them.
What assistance does she need?
Our client needs assistance with living expenses and some assistance with legal expenses so that she can make a further appeal. The amount needed could exceed $20,000. CRS has agreed to assist her to the extent that we can.
How can you help?
You can send donations labelled ‘H support’ to:
Canberra Refugee Support
PO Box 3444
Weston Creek ACT 2611
Or pay by direct debit to our account, with your name as the reference (H support/Your name), to:
Account Name: Canberra Refugee Support Inc
Westpac BSB: 032-719
Account No.: 555919
If you would like a receipt (all donations over $2 are tax deductible) please advise us of your name and address by email at
Doug Hynd
Canberra Refugee Support