We did it!
$22,336.00 was raised for Canberra Refugee Support in the Hands Up 4 Canberra Appeal.
All money will stay in Canberra and will be used for the Geoff McPherson Scholarship Fund and to support Refugee and Asylum Seekers in Canberra.
A huge thank you for all your efforts and generosity.
Please donate what you can to CRS at the Hands Across Canberra Canberra Refugee Support Page. Remember every $1 you donate will become $2 with matched giving for the first $5,000 raised.

As part of our fundraising efforts Canberra Refugee Support is involved in the Hands Across Canberra- Hands Up for CBR Giving Day which is a fundraising event similar to last year’s Recovery Appeal. Every dollar donated will be matched up to $5000 so, $1 turns into $2 and once we reach $5000 it turns into $10,000! Anything above $10,000 is a bonus. For more information on the Hands Up for CBR Giving Day click here.
Hands Across Canberra plan to have the Hands Up for CBR Giving Day on Canberra Day each year and turn it into an annual giving tradition for every Canberran.
You can support our campaign by donating to CRS via this link. This can be done on March 9 or any time before.
Please share with your friends far and wide.
There are also competitions where we can win extra money, most of these will happen on March 9. Information regarding the competitions will be sent through closer to Canberra Day. If the competition appeals to you please join in. The competitions are:
Rise & Shine Hour | $1,000 The charity that receives the most unique donations between 9am and 10am on 9 March will win $1,000!
Hour of Power | $1,000 The charity that receives the most unique donations between 3pm and 4pm on 9 March will win $1,000!
Happy Hour | $1,000 The charity that receives the happiest message on a donation by a donor made between 5pm and 8pm on 9 March will win $1,000!
Night Owl | $1,000 The charity that receives the most unique donations between 9pm and 10pm on 9 March will win $1,000!
Board on Board | $1,000 Participating charities that get every member of their board to make a donation to the Giving Day are eligible. A winner will be randomly selected on 10 March and will win $1,000!
With your help, this can be as successful as the Recovery Appeal was for us last year!
Thank you in anticipation of your support.